HRSA Announces Phase 4 of Provider Relief Funds

HRSA will begin accepting applications for its latest round of Provider Relief Fund grants on September 30, 2021. Though it is unclear how HRSA will determine who qualifies and for how much, providers are encouraged to submit financial data from July 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021. In addition to the general distribution, there is a funding carve-out for rural providers, with the “rural” designation determined by HRSA patient location data.
What do you need to do now?
- Check your HRSA portal access here. In previous rounds of funding, I have had a few clients that encountered issues with the portal. Let’s try to get that cleaned up before starting an application.
- Review a summary of the program here. There are webinars this Thursday (9/30) and next Tuesday (10/5) that you can attend for more information.
Because program eligibility is contingent on historical financial performance, new practice owners do not appear to be eligible for funds. If I learn differently, I will report back to you.
Lastly, I am glad to assist you in the completion of your application. Once you have your portal sign-in secured, please contact me for us to schedule a time to complete your application. In prior rounds of different COVID-relief program applications, I have found it easiest to schedule a Zoom meeting where we can screen share and complete applications jointly.
Have a great week!